Florists and retailers - are you interested in wholesale willow bunches or mixed willow bouquets? Find out more here and contact us if you’re interested!
Wholesale Willow Bunches
Golden Curly Willow
golden brown color
3 lengths available (tips - 18-24 in, medium - 2-3 ft, large - 3-4+ft)
Red Curly Willow
deep red color
3 lengths available (tips - 12-18in, medium - 2-3 ft, large - 3-4+ft)
Giant Pussy Willow
giant fuzzy silver catkins
two lengths available (short - 18-24 in and long - 36+in)
Mixed Willow Bouquets
Vermont retailers interested in carrying mixed willow bouquets, we’d love to partner with you!
These mixed willow arrangements add wonderful wintertime color and texture. Willow dries beautifully and these arrangements do not need to be stored in water. All this willow is grown right here in Vermont on our farm in Weybridge!